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Dolphine Lynch

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The Inspiring Life of Willie Vernece Joyner Solomon

"I want my family to always be aware of how far we have come, where we originated, and the love that brought us forth."

About The Author

Dolphine Solomon Lynch is a born dreamer who has a great imagination. She expresses her thoughts through writing and journaling. Dolphine has a great love for family. A wife, mother, grandmother, business partner with her husband.Dolphine is a storyteller at heart, which some people would never know. Her siblings call her the comedian with wisdom. She believes that no one should ever stop dreaming because dreams do come true. Her hobbies include portrait painting and crafting. Dolphine is a writer who will open the eyes and ears of many as she broadens their imagination through novelsWall street Lady is her first novel with more to come. Wall Street was a street in Enfield North Carolina that there were black businesses only, places where the blacks could go and connect, hair salons, barbershops, clubs, and more, in the '40s, the place that Kyra loved.

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