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Infinite Generations 2020 Highlights: How We Started

Infinite Generations is a Black-owned company, founded by a woman graduate of the University of Maryland. 2020 had its high moments and its low moments, but in this post, we'll be focusing on the positive parts, the highlights.

Infinite Generations goals for 2020 were to establish itself as a Digital Media Studio specializing in research & design, production, publishing, and marketing positive media. However, the Global Pandemic, plus a national call for justice became the subject on many people's minds.

This time of unrest, however, did not delay Infinite Generations plans. The unrest was felt everywhere, and it became apparent that positive media was needed now more than ever. The pandemic allowed us to work from home and set the ground work for our future. These challenges gave us the perseverance to continue the dream. These historic events will shape the world for generations to come and help us stand firm in our commitment to getting current, positive, and knowledgeable information to our supporters.

Our Commitment

Infinite Generations is committed to protecting human life and the environment. An important part of our commitment is to minimize our impact on the environment and protect it for future generations. We promote innovative and sustainable business practices that protect our ecosystems and support sustainable living.

The Highlights of 2020

In 2020, we launched our YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a few other social media channels. Social media was just the beginning, Infinite Generations has produced and published 6 books and 3 magazines for our clients. The books are showcased on Amazon and the latest book received a five-star reader's favorite seal (more on this in future posts). Positive Living Longevity Magazine focused on positive and inspiring articles related to current events that will be known as one of the most challenging years in recent history

2020 was a year like no other, and while we all faced new and unexpected obstacles, it has also made us stronger. Infinite Generations is ready to create content for the future. After making it through 2020 and with our achievements the future looks bright for generations to come.

Leave a comment and let us know what you learned or gained from 2020!

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